Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More sweet shots

l mother of cheese! Hooley Dooley! 2013 is turning out to be FULL ON! And its only January!!! Maybe this is what you get for only just beginning to piece your working year together....

Late last year I had a sweet lady by the name of RebeccaVitartas contact me wanting to borrow a couple of bonsai for a shoot. The shoot happened to be for her boyfriend Nick Pearce. He designs and makes rad furniture. I just wanted to share them with you. I think they are quite lovely.
And just quietly, I wouldn't mind having that couch in my house...

Shoots and prop hire is an avenue I never really thought of but I have had a couple of inquiries lately, one of which I'm hoping could have the potential to be amazing!! It's a bit secret squirrel but as soon as I can let the cat out of the bag I will. Meow.

It just goes to show you really want to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way. You never know where it might lead you. That being said I am now in the midst of planning my year and already it feels frantic! Who said yes to these things?!!

Design Files Pictures

Good evening chaps! It is late and my little eyes feel like sand paper but I couldn't sleep a wink til I show you some snaps. I wanted to post these ages ago but my computer had a freak out and said 'no'.

Lets hope she is in a better mood this time....

These are from the Design Files Open House late last year.

Look! It's me!
super rad shot of all the fun things going on in the house.
The beautiful living room filled with all sorts of amazing things.
A very beautiful paper chandelier by the talented Miss Emily Green.
A super fantastic terrarium by Miniscapes.
Crazy Kids room!

This year I was really happy with my colour choices for my own work. I felt that they fit so lovely with all the other bright loveliness going on. Good job Amanda, you did good kid. (for once....)

And thats it! Good night my little muffins! xoxox

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nessie? I'm a coming for ye.

So whats all this talk of big news you say? Well as it turns out I will be undertaking a residency at Northlands glass in Scotland this year!!! Can you freaking believe it because for the life of me I can't!!! Me! It's me that got picked!!! Of course I am both terrified and beside myself with excitement. At the moment I am mostly terrified. I said to myself last year that I didnt want to travel by myself anymore and now look at me, just a quick jaunt. Over the other side of the world. No big deal.......gulp!

It is for six whole weeks and there are three other artists attending. From what I can gather we live, eat, sleep and work together on our own works and assist each other. I think its quit isolated so really it is an amazing opportunity to focus on your work. Like I said, I'm terrified. I don't know what it is with me, but I do like to set myself these ridiculous challenges that have the potential to break me. Not one for the easy path thats for sure. I don't know if that is monumentally stupid or a glimpse of something great. Hard to say.

I am going to use this time to continue with the work I started on in Pilchuck, radishes and beets! I'm really excited and need to start laying the ground work, ie, the research materials, sketches, colours, images in check so I can hit the ground running.

The other thing I am pretty excited about is a show in the beautiful front window of Craft Victoria. I am super excited about the potential for a small installation. So there is a alot going on and I really have to start getting on top of it. Like booking a ticket or finding my passport....

Wish me luck!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Adios 2012, Buenos Dios 2013

Holy shitballs!! Where did 2012 go?? I can't believe there is a new year upon us. A fresh, new, exciting, bursting with opportunities year, fresh for the picking. Who am I kidding?, I am just trying to believe my own hype and try and get pumped up for the year that awaits us because quite frankly, I have spent my Summer holidays lounging around on the couch with my beloved boys (both fury and non), watching Dexter, cooking lots (ice cream, in particular ice cream sandwiches, are my new obsession), watching cooking shows, a few beach jaunts (but not too many as i am the original lilly white kid who burns in 3 seconds flat. I'm so white I burn just thinking about the sun.) and thats about it. But most importantly I have tried really hard to take a proper break from my work and not think about it. (Although some nights as I lie there trying to sleep in this sweltering heat my mind starts racing and tries to freak me out...)

So in preparation of going back to work, I always like to do a recap of what I achieved in the year and try and make myself feel good about what I did accomplish and get me ready for the next challenges.

Here goes.....

Number 1 and perhaps the big wig of the year....I got married!!!
It was so amazing. Full of colour, beautiful flowers, delicious food and drinks, gorgeous family and friends. I can honestly say the week leading up to and of was the best week of my life. Hands down! I kind of wish I could do it all again. Maybe for our one year anniversary?.....!

Number 2 moved back to Melbourne.

Number 3 travelled to Japan to study Ikebana (swiftly after number 2 I might add)

Amazing. Beyond amazing. I love Japan so much, I got to hang out and soak it up and even share it with my sister, mum and aunty, how lucky am I. I look forward to using what I learnt in my work this year. I'm not exactly sure how its going to happen but i just know that it is inevitable that it comes out somehow. This trip had been put off for an entire year and it was just incredible to see all my planning, tears, frustration and joy come to fruition. Finally!

Number 4 received a scholarship travel to Seattle to take a class at Pilchuck from Karen Willenbrink-Johnsen.

Talk about mind blowing! Not only was I lucky enough to go to Pilchuck with two of my beautiful friends but these two ladies were also my fellow associates at the JamFactory. It was amazing to be able to share that experience with them. I feel so lucky! Pilchuck was so crucial for me at that time. It really reignited my passion in glass. It was so awesome to see different people doing different things in glass. I always wanted to go to Pilchuck but as time wore on I kind of told myself that I didnt need to go. I am so greatful to have recieved a scholarship to attend. It challenged me in everyway possible and the rewards have only just begun.

Number 5 got to see a Chihuly exhibition in the FLESH!!!

Number 6 had my honeymoon in NEW YORK CITY!!!!

Number 7 made a shit load of bonsais.

Number 8 made a whole bunch of Cacti.

Number 9 rediscovered my love of cooking.

Number 10 started on a brand new body of work.

Legs Eleven, participated in the Design Files Open House.

So yeah, I guess I did some stuff this year! Don't get me wrong there has been some crazy downs tossed in there too, but on the brink of a new year I always like to focus on the good stuff i did and that makes me think, kid, youre all right.

So thanks so much for taking the time to read. I hope you have some good doins under your belt too and feel pretty chuffed with yourself too. Because if you don't who will right? 

So seeya 2012, 2013 lets get it on.

P.s. stay tuned I have some very excited announcements for 2013!!